Remote learning (also called distance learning) requires increased student agency where students will work on their own and at their own pace. Digital technology gives students the ability to continue learning outside of the classroom as well as opportunities to learn from peers, share thoughts, read, watch videos, and interact virtually. Furthermore, it allows the teacher to take on more of a facilitative role while empowering students through self-paced, self-directed learning.
On Your Own & Guided Learning Time (Asynchronous) Asynchronous learning will occupy the majority of learning for students. This will occur through Canvas, our Learning Management System. Students will receive lessons, videos, assignments and learning activities through this platform that will be supplemented with the use of Mathspace and Actively Learn. Additionally, teachers may employ the use of the "tools to increase engagement" listed below. Canvas - our Learning Management System (LMS) will house and distribute announcements, content, assignments, discussions, and videos. Watch the video here to learn how to stay organized with remote learning. Actively Learn - subject area reading resources with built in supports and progress monitoring tools for teachers Mathspace - Interactive, standards and topic aligned math work with built in supports Tools to Increase Engagement We are well poised to continue to use the tools that we have become accustomed to that increase student engagement and promote collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. The Google suite of apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides) that are part of our workspace accounts in addition to the apps below are just some of the ways our students will continue to stay connected and engaged in the learning process. All of our students have access to our KidOYO platform as well. Computer science students will have assignments and all others are welcome to contiue working on their digital portfolios and additional learning pathways. Of course, this is not an inclusive list, rather just some of the ways that learning will continue to be meaningful for students.
Enrichment Resources Visit over 500 art museums & galleries around the world Curb Your Sports Hunger: Top Sports Movies on Netflix Right Now 20 Screen Free Things to do with Your Kids [or yourself] Indoors When School is Closed Art BINGO (created by Bethany Nugent) Visit 12 Famous Museums offering Virtual Tours Yoga with Adriene pParent Letters:
3/17/20 - Remote Learning Letter to Families 3/20/20 - Update 3/27/20 - Update 4/4/20 - Update 4/7/20 - Update 4/9/20 - AP Testing Updates 4/10/20 - Update 4/17/20 - AP Update #2 4/17/20 - Update 4/24/20 - Update 4/30/20 - AP Update #3 (AP Testing Guide / Exam Day Checklist for Students) 5/2/20 - Update 5/9/20 - Update 5/16/20 - Update 5/18/20 - AP Update #4 5/22/20 - Update
October 2023
Whittney Smith, Ed.D.Dr. Smith is the Director of Instructional Technology & Assessment and former Principal of Mineola High School in Garden City Park, NY. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Long Island University. |